A profit building webinar with...
  Phil Basten
Jane Mark
Make Real Money Online
Today we are going to focus on what you need to do to increase your bottom line and put more dollars in your pocket.

Some people refer to this as Selling High Ticket items but it is more than that. We will show you a new path today. A path filled with opportunity and profit and to do that we will use our new site, Profit From Free Ads, as a foundation.

But first, let me warm you up by asking you a couple of questions.

Question 1: True or false?

It is just as easy to make money online with a $17.00 product as a $997.00 product.

Answer: False.

You spend just as much time, energy, and money promoting a low priced item as you do a high ticket item.

Question 2: If you are going to sell a high ticket item what is the first thing you need to do?

Answer: Learn everything there is to know about that product.

If you are going to convince someone they should buy a high ticket item you...

1) Better own that product yourself.
2) And use that product yourself.

Then you can talk with authority and conviction about that product.

Let's start here today because the biggest obstacle to you making sales is not fully understanding the product you bought, and then thinking others will buy it from you when you give them incomplete information.

Most people, when they are about to part with money, can sniff out a phoney in a New York minute.

You must be able to talk to someone about your product with conviction, knowledge and passion.

And that gets me to my first point about Profit From Free ads.

I want you to keep these things in mind.

1) At PFFA we have 7 membership levels you can join at.

They range from a very low priced membership of $17.00 bucks to a high ticket item of $1169.00 and everywhere else in between.

We structured the pay plan so members could either jump right in at the top if they were seasoned marketers, of if they were new to the marketing world, they could climb the ladder of success one rung at a time as they got more comfortable with the site.

In business, success is measured by one thing. The ability to earn enough money from a site so it becomes your primary business.

In other words, the ladder of success really means you can choose to work for yourself instead of working for someone else but to do that you must open yourself up to selling products that put some real cash in your pocket.

I want you to notice something important about your ability to earn big money at PFFA.

You can earn on 7 levels, but you only earn up to the level you join at.

If you join at level 1, you will only collect commissions on level 1 sales.

If you sell a level 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, you will NOT collect commissions on level 2 through 7.

It is fine to start at level 1 but if you want to earn more money you need to start climbing the success ladder and keep going until you get to level 7.

If you stay at the one level too long you will stagnate and die.

If you are a free member, you cannot sell PFFA, and that means you cannot earn the generous commissions we offer.

We structured the commission levels this way on purpose.

Think about it.

If you are a free member of PFFA and we allowed you to promote the site who would believe you when you suggest that your prospects upgrade when you have not upgraded yourself.

If you don't think enough of a site to invest in it, I guarantee you will never be able to sell it authentically or successfully.

As I said before, people can smell a phony a mile off. Your potential buyers will see right through you like the shimmering light on a blue lagoon.

If you join at level 1 and get to know what the site does, you will be able to sell it as easy as falling off a log because you will be able to share your experiences with others.

Anyone who is serious about making money online will invest $17 bucks just to find out what the site is all about when you describe it with real passion.

If you invest in level 4 you will be able to earn right up to level 4. You will be familiar with what the site does and can talk skillfully and with authority. You will be able to tell people what you like about the and why you invested in it.

If you invest in a high ticket item like our Ad Pack Level 7, Tycoon level, you will get paid on all 7 levels and be rewarded big time when you share with others what the site does.

At some point in your online business life you must take a chance, dive in the deep end and get your hands on a high ticket item to sell. You need a combination low, medium, and high ticket items in your portfolio.

Running the numbers. 
They make a BIG difference    

I want to pause here and show you what a huge difference the different levels it can make in your earning power.

Let's look at a couple of examples that demonstrate clearly why you want to choose your ad pack level carefully and join or upgrade as high as you possibly can.

Example 1:  If you are a level 1 member and you signup a level 4 member you will be  paid 20% on level 1 only, or $3.40.

Example 2: If you are a level 4 member and you signup a level 4 member, you will get paid 35% on levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, and you would earn $97.30. from that one sale.

As you can see from this simple example there is a HUGE difference in how much you can earn between an Ad Pack 1 and an Ad Pack 4 account. There is an even bigger difference if you go all the way up to Level 7.

If you ascend the way up to Ad Pack 7, you can earn up to $584.50 per sale because you earn 50% on every sale and you earn on all 7 levels.
You also get paid on every sale to infinity.

Because I personally pay out the commissions at PFFA, I can tell you that people are getting huge paychecks every Friday.

And the reason they are able to make lots of cash is because they actually use the site and can share with gusto how the site works for them.

If you don't know or understand PFFA, take some time this weekend to go the training section in the members area. Click where it says watch PFFA in action. I did a live walk through of the site and it will make the site come alive for you.

And speaking of the exciting benefits of PFFA, we have a new one that we just added a few days ago.

It is a fabulous new report written by my partner, Phil Basten, called Make Real Money Online. Phil discusses in detail how to sell a high ticket item and refers to PFFA many time in the report as a foundation, but he is making it available for everyone to read here.

For those of you who are ad pack 4 or higher at PFFA, you can brand the report with your own PFFA link and give it away to your down-lines to encourage them to upgrade.

Now I am going to tease you about the kind of things you will find in this report. There are some nasty words that kill sales, do you know what they are? They are quite commonly used and many may surprise you, but I am not going to tell you here. You'll have to download and read the report.
Webinar Bonus
Climb to the top of the success ladder and become Tycoon.

Check out the benefits of this powerful Ad Pack.
  • You can give away UNLIMITED free ad credits 70K at a pop.
  • You can build a list fast and easy.
  • You can promote your favorite sites forever.
  • You can send solo ads for life to ALL PFFA members.
  • You can send solo ads for life to your down-line.
  • You can send solo ads every 2 days.
  • And you don't need to earn credits to use the mailers.

Plus, when you purchase today....
  • You'll start with 830,000 Ad credits. (value $4149.00)
  • You'll receive 800,000 Ad credits every month. (value $3,999.00 each month)
  • You earn commissions on 7 levels. Up to $584.50 per sale.
  • We promote your PFFA affiliate link for life (value $180.00).
  • You can make a single payment one time, or you can pay conveniently over 3 or 4 months with our popular EasyPay system.
Shoot for the Moon and Become a Tycoon.
It can put a heap of fungolas in your pocket.
Regular price $1169.00 - Today $997.00
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